Our next regular TFOOTD contra dance will be Sunday, March 23rd at the Bayou Dance Club, 6541 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL. As usual, beginner instructions will start at 3:30pm, with experienced dancers encouraged to help during that brief introductory period. The dancing will then continue until 7:00pm, with additional instructions given as needed for moves that may be less familiar to newer folks.
Since we still do not have a regular dance venue, the TFOOTD board has secured alternate venues and dates for our upcoming dances through May, as listed below and posted in our calendar. Talent (bands and callers) for these dances have all been booked now as well and are listed in the calendar through that point.
For any questions about contra dancing in the Tampa Bay area, feel free to reach out to our board or any of the individual members as noted in the Contact Us footer section below.
For any questions or issues with this website, please contact us at